Monday, 26 December 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Orgon-ise Yourself
Reiki in the Workplace
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word representing Universal
Life Force Energy, the energy which flows through all living things and is
vital for our health and wellbeing. It also represents the Universal Life Force
(Rei) brought about through personal energy (Ki) for the purpose of balance and
healing as in the Usui System of Natural Healing.
What is stress and why do we need to tackle it?
The Health
& Safety Executive defines stress as "the adverse reaction people
have to excessive pressures or other types of demands placed upon them. There
is a clear distinction between pressure, which can create a "buzz"
and be a motivating factor, and stress, which can occur when this pressure
becomes excessive.
About 1 in 5
people say that they find their work either very or extremely
Over half a
million people report experiencing work-related stress at a level they believe
has actually made them ill.
Each case of
stress-related ill health leads to an average of 29 working days lost. A total
of 13.4 million working days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in
stress costs society between £3.7billion and £3.8billion a year.
Under UK
law, employers have a legal duty of care to ensure their employees are not
harmed by work-related stress."
Stress is a
major cause of disruption and weakening in the flow of the life force energy.
Stress is often caused by conflicting thoughts and feelings such as worry,
fear, doubt, anger, anxiety, etc. which get lodged or stuck in our subtle
energy system. Medical research has shown that continual stress can block the
body's natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. In fact, the
American Institute of Stress estimates that 75% - 95% of all visits to the
doctor are the results of reaction to stress. The effects of unreleased stress
can range from minor aches to major health concerns such as heart disease,
digestive disorders, respiratory and skin problems.
How can Reiki Help?
By creating a state of deep
relaxation, Reiki aids the body in releasing stress and tension, thereby
promoting healing and health. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by
relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently
and effectively opens blocked meridians, chakras and nadis and clears the
energy bodies, leaving one feeling totally relaxed and at peace.
Reiki is an
extremely pleasant, holistic method of healing, powerful, yet wonderfully
gentle and nurturing, addressing the well-being of an individual on all levels,
bringing balance to mind, body and spirit. Reiki can be used without fear of
any side-effects or overdose. Reiki is a support to the body and a
complimentary therapy and therefore works in conjunction with and as an adjunct
to other forms of treatment and therapy.
What is a Reiki Treatment?
A Reiki
treatment is normally carried out with the client either lying down or sitting,
in a comfortable and peaceful environment. Reiki is a light touch therapy; it
is safe, non-intrusive and non-manipulative. There are no substances applied to
the body, and the recipient remains fully clothed.
During a
full Reiki treatment, the practitioner directs healing energy to several areas
of the head, body, legs and feet. While focus is given to the body's major
organs, every cell of the body will benefit. In addition to the formal hand
positions, Reiki can be applied to any part of the body which has been injured.
Length of treatment depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount
of energy needed to revitalize and bring into balance the ailing area of the
body. The client's body automatically draws in only as much Reiki as is needed,
using it in whatever way is most appropriate at that time.
Reiki may be
felt as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, and other sensations
or not at all. It is deeply relaxing, eases stress and leaves one feeling calm
and at peace.
Reiki in the Workplace
Practitioners can come to your place of work and treat your employees on site.
All we require is that you provide us with a room providing a relatively quiet
environment in which to work. It will be our aim to minimize disruption in the
preferred, block bookings for Reiki treatments can be accepted for appointments
in our own premises away from the work situation.
If you think
Reiki would benefit you and your staff, please feel free to contact me for more information and details.
Love to All
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Wellness Cellphone Protector
Introducing the NEW Wellness Cellphone Protector (Slim Jim)
The Cellphone Protector has all the same benefits as the Wellness Pendant
Protecting you from all the Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF's) being transmitted from your phone.
Fits easily onto the back cover of most Mobile phones.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Introducing the Zero Gravity Recliner
To heighten your experience in the Sound Chamber we have now incorporated a Lafuma "Zero Gravity" recliner.
Take the weight of the world off your back
Lean back into the zero gravity® position, and your legs are elevated and you can actually feel the pressure and discomfort being taken away from your lower back.
You'll feel a sensation of weightlessness, which is wonderful for meditation or just relaxing and taking the pressure off your back!
Friday, 5 August 2011
Orgonite Octahedron
Qualities of the Octahedron
Qualities of the Octahedron
The Octahedron is the third in the series of the five Platonic Solid shapes. It contains 8 faces, 6 vertices and 12 edges. This symmetrical solid is made up of eight triangles, which is formed from placing two square based pyramids base to base.
There are several crystals that will exhibit this natural occurring formation including Fluorite, Spinel, Magnetite, and Diamond to name a few.
Octahedron - Air Element
Metapyhsics of the Octahedron
The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, which is the center for love and compassion. This center includes the healing and nurturing aspects within, which allow that sacred, safe space in which to find acceptance and forgiveness.
The shape is also a mirror, a perfect reflection of itself, which is a lovely reminder of the mirrors/reflections that we are to each other. The Heart Chakra is also linked to touch, which is why I feel this Platonic Solid would be best utilized for healing, manifestation, and energy work.
Uses for the Octahedron
Due to the Octahedrons shape and nature, it would energetically work similar to a Double Terminated point. Energy will flow in equal portions from the two tips (top and bottom) with an additional, softer energy flow from each of the 8 side edges.
Hold the Octahedron when meditating to reflect upon situations and issues that need forgiveness and closure. Allow any feelings that may come up, acknowledging each one, understanding that it is a reflection to self in some way. When this session is completed, bring the Octahedron to your heart to begin the healing process. Visualize these feelings and emotions moving into the Octahedron and being held there. You can then either blow gently on one end to release these energies out into the Universe or cleanse the Octahedron by your preferred cleansing method.
Have a client hold a Octahedron in one hand (or both) in a healing session. This will allow the Heart to open and be cleansed of any and all energies that are not in line with the highest good of the client, in the gentlest of ways.
Keep it with you during the day. This will fill the entire auric field with awareness and compassion for self and others.
Try charging some pure water with the vibration of the Octahedron. Sit a glass pitcher of distilled water out in the sun and submerge the Octahedron into the water. Cover. Allow it to sit for 12 hours. (Or during a full moon, try 12 hours in the sun and 12 hours under the light of the full moon). Once your water is charged, you can fill a glass 1/3 of the way with your charged water and the other 2/3’s with distilled or pure water. As you drink, the vibration of the Octahedron will infuse into your body.
The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves us from the more physical, grounding shape of the Cube and Tetrahedron (which sit firmly, grounding us to the physical) into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. Through working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature of self and in effect begin to understand our true nature.
Friday, 1 July 2011
Excerpt from the web site
The Orgonite Gifting Movement
It has been the experience of many chembuster enthusiasts that the widespread deployment of digital cellular communications towers across the populated areas of the world in the last several years has created a thick blanket of DOR/negative energy which saturates our homes and communities, promotes drought, negativity, fear, etc., and significantly hinders chembuster operation (among many other detrimental effects).However, it has been widely experienced that these negative effects can be disabled and chembusters can be made to start working properly again simply by tossing or burying small muffin-sized chunks of orgonite called TowerBusters (TB's) near all the cellphone towers in their area, an increasingly-popular activity which has become known as "gifting", and is conducted literally all over the world now by thousands of selfless and highly-dedicated individuals and Internet-organized groups.
This site is intended to provide a basic, accurate, efficient introduction to orgonite for those interested in learning more about it. If you wish to perform further research, we have a comprehensive list of informational resources in our Further Reading section.
The positive, self-empowering effects of working with orgonite quickly become obvious to those who choose to make and use it. If you are interested in seeking your own confirmations of it's effectiveness, please visit our section on How to Make Orgonite to find out how you can begin to improve the energy and create real beneficial changes in your home and community.
Go get orgonized!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Shift in Energy
With the massive shifts happening all around us at this time, the energy we are all travelling in at this point in time is so strong, traditional healing is sometimes just not enough. In other words we need and require more to assist in taking the next step in our spiritual evolution. Sacred geometry has been with us since Plato and Aristotle. Besides the four elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, the Dodecahedron was given the Fifth element being Universal Energy, (Either). Reconnect with your original DNA and take the next step in your spiritual evolution by being inside and surrounded by this sacred of sacred Geometries the Dodecahedron. The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber.
As it is a stellated structure it is also connecting you with the other elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water and therefore the world’s energy grid and more to this you have the energy of Orgonite to boost the energy that surrounds you.
The next step in Mental, Spiritual and Physical healing.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Article from
Visible effect of orgone generator on garden
Part two, Summer 2005
One year ago, we carry out a test to see objectively, if orgone generator had any effect on the vegetable kingdom. The results were very conclusive, we noted that the orgonized garden was at lest the doubled of the size and that all elements of it seemed considerably improved compared to the other identical garden.
For the full report of last year click here.Now, this year we carried out the same test
The two gardens are identical, the same weight of seed was planted on each one at the same places in each garden. Throughout all experiment, the plants were left with themselves; no fertilizer or pesticide where added just as at any time the gardens was not sprinkled artificially.
The difference with last year, it is that only one variety of vegetables was plant in the two gardens; The marrows waltham Butternut.
Description of the plant;
These very vigorous plants produce from 4 to 7 fruits which have the shape of bottle. They weigh from 1,5 to 3 kg. The cylindrical part is completely full and there is a small seed cavity in the reinflated part. The skin is of color ochre with maturity. The flesh, of color yellow-orange, is very fine and of excellent savour to the hazel nut taste. The fruits are characterized by a very good capacity of conservation sometimes more than one year. Growth: 83-115 days. This variety of Butternut was introduced commercially in 1970 by Bob Young de Waltham into Massachusset.
Seed sachet that has been plant in the gardens.
24 June 2005
Overall picture
Orgonized Garden.
(Another difference with last year is that the orgonite was left on the ground. Last year the devise where buried. We see here 4 Tb and a hhg)Normal garden
13 July 2005
Overall picture
Orgonized Garden.
Normal garden
3 August 2005
Overall picture
Orgonized Garden.
Normal garden
17 August 2005
Overall picture
Orgonized Garden
We were obliged to change place to take the pictures of the gardens individually due to the size of the orgonized garden.Normal garden
27 August
Orgonized Garden
Normal garden
I counted 16 big marrows in the organized garden and 5 small marrows in the normal garden on August 27Platonic Solids
The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or (Hexahedron), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns that occur throughout the world of minerals in countless variations. These are the only five regular polyhedra, that is, the only five solids made from the same equilateral, equiangular polygons. To the Greeks, these solids symbolized fire, earth, air, spirit (or ether) and water respectively.
The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the sacred geometry had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness. The ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.
The Tetrahedron (Fire) The first of the platonic solids is the tetrahedron having 4 triangular sides and symbolizing the element of fire.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: the power of fire and the power present in the tetrahedron are beneficial for creating change but need to be handled with utmost care.The Hexahedron (Earth) The second platonic solid is the cube or hexahedron having 6 square sides and representing the element of earth.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: a solid foundation and stability suggesting a need for patience and consistency, allowing things to develop in their own perfect time
The Octohedron (Air) The third of the platonic solids in the octahedron having 8 triangular sides and symbolizing the element of air.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: careful balance between multiple forces suggesting the need for diplomacy, grace and willingness to learn.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: careful balance between multiple forces suggesting the need for diplomacy, grace and willingness to learn.
The Dodecahedron (Spirit or Universal Energy) Historically it has symbolized the concept of a fifth element, Ether (Aether) or Universe. It represents the perfect mediation of the infinite and the finite, the sphere and the cube, analogous to the circle and the square. It is reciprocal with the Icosahedron; whereas the Icosahedron has 20 faces and 12 vertices, the Dodecahedron has 12 faces and 20 vertices. Each shape can easily be transformed into the other by truncation or stellation.
The fourth platonic solid is the Dodecahedron symbol for the universes and having 12 pentagonal sides.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: a framework for the descending subtle energies of spirit. This suggests a time in which the divine forces must lead the way whether the understanding is there or not.
The fourth platonic solid is the Dodecahedron symbol for the universes and having 12 pentagonal sides.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: a framework for the descending subtle energies of spirit. This suggests a time in which the divine forces must lead the way whether the understanding is there or not.
The Icosahedron (Water) The Icosahedron is the fifth and final platonic solid having 20 triangular sides and symbol for the element of water.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: trust in the wisdom of the universe is needed with a willingness to allow others to assist in the situation versus pursuing an active role. As the water suggests, it time to go with the flow.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Friday, 20 May 2011
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
For those here who are still unsure about making their own. It is so easy...Preparing to make Tower Buster's. This is all you need to make your own Orgonite. Muffin mould, Metal shavings and quartz crystals, Resin. Just add your resin. Don't forget to mix in the catalyst, usually 2% of the resin, but follow the manufacturers instruction and you can't go wrong.
Pour the mixed resin into the mould (don't forget your crystals) and wait for them to go hard. Done and dusted ready for gifting or using around the house.
Tower Buster ready for Gifting
Tower Gifted in Port Elizabeth
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Monday, 21 March 2011
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
The Music of Atomic Shapes (Sacred Geometry)
The Music of Atomic ShapesThe Platonic solids, basic shapes of Sacred Geometry, are five three-dimensional geometric forms of which all faces are alike. And each platonic solid represent one of the five elements of creation, as follows:
These five Platonic solids comprise the alchemical dance of the elements and of Creation itself. My introduction to the spiritual power of sound began with an experience of this truth.
This happened many years ago, when I was studying with Michael Helios — who is for me a reincarnated Atlantean wizard. Helios discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tone scales for each of the Platonic shapes. He even tuned his keyboard to specific frequencies in order to achieve exact proportions.
During his presentations, he would play the scales and geometries of each shape, without disclosing to his listeners which geometric shape he was playing. Participants meditated on each piece as he was playing it, and then described which of the shapes they had experienced.
The results were extraordinary. Every Platonic solid was correctly perceived, felt, and "seen" during each of the five musical meditations. As a participant myself, this was my first experience of realizing the power of musical transmission and its potential to specifically re-order creation.
This is exactly what the ancient mystics and scientists had always been telling us!The Dodecahedron, the Universe, and the Human FormWhen Michael Helios played his five compositions, I was most profoundly affected by the Dodecahedron. This shape can be seen to represent the order of the heavens and also the perfect mediation between the infinite and the finite — the sphere and the cube.
So let us look more closely at this as one example of the sacred geometric forms that permeate Creation. Through seeing the simplicity and complexity of the Dodecahedron in its relationship of shape and sound, perhaps we can intuit the rest. And through understanding our relationship to the Dodecahedron, perhaps we can begin to sense our own place within the Divine Song that is Creation.
The Dodecahedron is comprised of twelve pentagonal faces. It represents the fifth sacred element, the divine potentiality known as "ether."
Considering that the Dodecahedron is made up of five-sided faces, it is fascinating that quantum physics researchers in the US and France have recently concluded that, based upon measurements of cosmic waves left over from the so-called "Big Bang," the universe itself is a Dodecahedron!
Besides the fact that there are five platonic solids and five corresponding basic elements of life, it can be shown that the entire human race is joined in these same basic sacred proportions. For the physical body, with the arms and legs spread, is overlaid by a pentagram, with the fifth point being at the top of the head and the reproductive organs at the exact center.
And each of these points also relates to the number five: five fingers at the terminus of each arm, five toes on each leg, and five openings on the face. Additionally, we each possess five senses of physical perception.
So the Golden Mean proportions of the cosmos and our body temples are closely aligned with the harmony of the musical fifth.
If we can imagine the dodecahedronal-pentagonal shape of this One Song that is the universe, together with the pentagram geometry of the human body, we find inherent in both a divine proportion and a potential for harmonic perfection. The universe and humanity ARE singing geometries. And it is we ourselves who embody the geometry of the cosmos!Phi and the Musical FifthTo follow this discussion, we first need to know that the Golden Mean and the Pentagram are closely related. For the angles of the five sides of a Pentagram are at a ratio of exactly 1.618 — the Golden Mean ratio, known mathematically as phi.
The fifth is the interval found in most sacred music, and has a powerful harmonizing effect on the human energy system. It is the first harmonic sounded by a plucked string, and is what gives the note its depth and beauty. Its sacred sound is the hallmark of the Gregorian chant. In fact most divinely inspired music, including some New Age music and that of indigenous cultures, is built around the musical interval of the fifth.
This music-geometry connection is well stated by Goethe, who said, "Sacred architecture is frozen music." The same is true of the "architecture" of the human body.
It was Pythagoras who first described the fifth interval that has come to be universally recognized for its beauty. It is "an archetypal expression of harmony that demonstrates the 'fitting together' of microcosm and macrocosm in an inseparable whole. The fifth is a beautiful sound because it demonstrates how the universe works.
And in building the phi proportions, along with those of the other musical intervals, into the designs of cathedrals and temples, the architects also are building in the effects of the musical intervals upon which the sacred proportions are based.
These effects, immediately experienced as harmonious, powerful, and centering, can be experienced first-hand when one enters a Gothic cathedral or an ancient Egyptian temple. Being inside such a space helps us to access other dimensions of consciousness. It is the same experience that is reached through listening to sacred music.
This is from the website of Ani Williams. The Sacred Geometry of Sound
- Tetrahedron — Fire
- Cube — Earth
- Octahedron — Air
- Dodecahedron — Ether
- Icosahedron — Water
These five Platonic solids comprise the alchemical dance of the elements and of Creation itself. My introduction to the spiritual power of sound began with an experience of this truth.
This happened many years ago, when I was studying with Michael Helios — who is for me a reincarnated Atlantean wizard. Helios discovered the musical proportions and corresponding tone scales for each of the Platonic shapes. He even tuned his keyboard to specific frequencies in order to achieve exact proportions.
During his presentations, he would play the scales and geometries of each shape, without disclosing to his listeners which geometric shape he was playing. Participants meditated on each piece as he was playing it, and then described which of the shapes they had experienced.
The results were extraordinary. Every Platonic solid was correctly perceived, felt, and "seen" during each of the five musical meditations. As a participant myself, this was my first experience of realizing the power of musical transmission and its potential to specifically re-order creation.
This is exactly what the ancient mystics and scientists had always been telling us!The Dodecahedron, the Universe, and the Human FormWhen Michael Helios played his five compositions, I was most profoundly affected by the Dodecahedron. This shape can be seen to represent the order of the heavens and also the perfect mediation between the infinite and the finite — the sphere and the cube.
So let us look more closely at this as one example of the sacred geometric forms that permeate Creation. Through seeing the simplicity and complexity of the Dodecahedron in its relationship of shape and sound, perhaps we can intuit the rest. And through understanding our relationship to the Dodecahedron, perhaps we can begin to sense our own place within the Divine Song that is Creation.
The Dodecahedron is comprised of twelve pentagonal faces. It represents the fifth sacred element, the divine potentiality known as "ether."
Considering that the Dodecahedron is made up of five-sided faces, it is fascinating that quantum physics researchers in the US and France have recently concluded that, based upon measurements of cosmic waves left over from the so-called "Big Bang," the universe itself is a Dodecahedron!
And each of these points also relates to the number five: five fingers at the terminus of each arm, five toes on each leg, and five openings on the face. Additionally, we each possess five senses of physical perception.
So the Golden Mean proportions of the cosmos and our body temples are closely aligned with the harmony of the musical fifth.
If we can imagine the dodecahedronal-pentagonal shape of this One Song that is the universe, together with the pentagram geometry of the human body, we find inherent in both a divine proportion and a potential for harmonic perfection. The universe and humanity ARE singing geometries. And it is we ourselves who embody the geometry of the cosmos!Phi and the Musical FifthTo follow this discussion, we first need to know that the Golden Mean and the Pentagram are closely related. For the angles of the five sides of a Pentagram are at a ratio of exactly 1.618 — the Golden Mean ratio, known mathematically as phi.
The fifth is the interval found in most sacred music, and has a powerful harmonizing effect on the human energy system. It is the first harmonic sounded by a plucked string, and is what gives the note its depth and beauty. Its sacred sound is the hallmark of the Gregorian chant. In fact most divinely inspired music, including some New Age music and that of indigenous cultures, is built around the musical interval of the fifth.
This music-geometry connection is well stated by Goethe, who said, "Sacred architecture is frozen music." The same is true of the "architecture" of the human body.
It was Pythagoras who first described the fifth interval that has come to be universally recognized for its beauty. It is "an archetypal expression of harmony that demonstrates the 'fitting together' of microcosm and macrocosm in an inseparable whole. The fifth is a beautiful sound because it demonstrates how the universe works.
And in building the phi proportions, along with those of the other musical intervals, into the designs of cathedrals and temples, the architects also are building in the effects of the musical intervals upon which the sacred proportions are based.
These effects, immediately experienced as harmonious, powerful, and centering, can be experienced first-hand when one enters a Gothic cathedral or an ancient Egyptian temple. Being inside such a space helps us to access other dimensions of consciousness. It is the same experience that is reached through listening to sacred music.
This is from the website of Ani Williams. The Sacred Geometry of Sound
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber
Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber
A Virtual Experience
You will step into a quiet ‘sacred space’. You will get quite a surprise when seeing the ‘Chamber’ for the first time. It measures approximately 2.7m long 2.7m wide and 2.3m tall. The center meridian houses a bed or chair. There are speakers attached to the sacred geometric steel housing. Music is played from selection therapeutic compact disks. Expect to feel bathed in sound and totally supported. Enjoy an amazing journey of self-discovery and achieve a heightened state of relaxation and well-being. You are encouraged to bring an ‘Intention’ for your session and you are invited to accept this opportunity to let go of all that no longer serves you. Experiences of who you truly are, awaken your own inner wisdom and re-activate and reconnect with your original DNA! De-stress, learn how to achieve deeper and better sleep, expand and strengthen your mind through brainwave entrainment, and experience a state of relaxation you may never have experienced before now.
The structural design is based on the sacred geometry of electromagnetic fields and the interlocking of specific geometric forms. The interlocking geometric forms produce stars, triangles and a pentagon which are the building blocks for other three-dimensional forms. Electromagnetic fields of energy are created when the magnetic and electric fields combine in a counter-rotational movement.
The sacred geometric structure itself creates a field of energy--a harmonic resonance field, the way in which cells retain memory. "On a grand scale, the structure of the chamber replicates the building blocks of creation." --Inventor Tom Hunt "When light (frequency) goes into shape, it is called biology. The shape of light is the history of geometry." --Colleague Dan Winter |
As the electromagnetic fields change, the spins at the cellular level are affected and the double helix DNA blueprint formation is set. DNA and RNA carry information to the cells.
When a cell loses integrity, it loses information and memory about how to function in the body. As cells divide, the new cells carry distorted information.
If trauma and stress occur, the natural vibratory spin at the cellular level is compromised. This may be the origin of many illnesses and is a causal factor in the aging process.
To restore unity, focus must be on the cellular level. Cells require a "roadmap"--to remember its purpose and function, so the body's natural healing ability is intact.
The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber, with its sacred geometric universal structure, helps the body's cellular physiology to remember its purpose.
What Does it Do?
Research suggests that the Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber provides a living field of energy. The energy is created by the geometric structure itself.
Electromagnetic energy forms two counter-rotational fields. One field is magnetic, the other electric. As the fields rotate, they oscillate. This affects the spin ratios at the sub-atomic level. As a field oscillates, it sets the pattern or blueprint for the formation of DNA.
Expert Quotes
"The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism."
Edgar Cayce,1928
"It is our duty to be perfectly healthy for the rest of mankind. We are all ripples in the vast ocean of consciousness and when we are sick, even with a minor illness, we disrupt cosmic harmony. To be healthy is a very altruistic goal."
Deepak Chopra, M.D. (Of Sound Mind & Body)
We estimate a 40% increase to the body's natural healing processes by using the Interdimensional Sound Chamber. We use the Interdimensional Sound Chamber daily at the Upledger Institute
John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
The focus of health care is shifting to include the subtle energy principles and interventions involving the mind, body, environmental and spiritual dimensions.
Traditional Medicine suggests that diseases and conditions associated with aging are a result of organ and tissue damage
occurring over time.
Holistic Medicine suggests that both mental and emotional factors associated with biological processes must be considered in order to understand disease. Past events, negative comments, unresolved issues of fear, anger, guilt or compulsive attempts to restore balance by constantly rethinking events - are processed as stress- which affects cellular functioning.
Energy Medicine’s underlying theory states that the brain’s neural circuitry produces electric fields in the body. The EM (electromagnetic) fields, measured in hertz, carry energy through space and produce effects on other EM fields. High level EM fields are detrimental to the body and affect the integrity of cellular structure. A recent issue of Alternative Medicine outlines research completed by Rubin, Becker, Flower, Hazlewood, Liborr and Walleczek on the effects of low level electromagnetic (EM) fields.
They suggest low level EM is helpful in:
Bone repair
Nerve stimulation
Wound healing
Treatment of osteoarthritis
Tissue regeneration
Immune system stimulation
Neuroendocrine modulation
The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber is a blending of science and metaphysics in vibrational technology. It provides a low level oscillating energy field which assists with the restoration of cellular integrity.
Cutting edge, scientific sound technology, combined with an understanding of the ancient use of sound to heal and expand consciousness, has brought us the ability to balance the autonomic nervous system in real time and to entrain brainwaves and states of consciousness for deep stress-reduction, emotional release, advanced healing, mega learning, peak performance, ecstatic states of consciousness, expanded meditation, and personal transformation.
The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber honors the body's natural geometric ability to heal itself at the cellular level. It sends specialized music or sound through the structure creating interference patterns.
Through vibrational technology, there is an extreme activation of tissue regeneration. The capacity for tissue regeneration extends to the central nervous system and the brain and to healing organs, muscles, and bones.
Intent is the primary value to sound therapy. In essence, the frequency (number of cycles per second the sound is vibrating) plus intent equals healing or a positive therapeutic effect.
Sound creates form. In sound therapy, specifically directed tone can change the molecular structure within tissues.
All vibrations--from subtle to obvious--have specific effects on us emotionally and physically. These effects are still largely unknown.
The word "sound" can be used to refer to "wholeness" or "vibration." When music or specialized sound in the form of brain wave patterns are played through the hollow structure, there is an additional benefit based on vibrational technology. Research on the physics of sound suggests that sound organizes form. Through interference patterns, it can cancel or enhance vibrational patterns naturally occurring in the body. Harmonic resonance is the way in which cells retain memory.
Assists In Releasing Such Energies As . . . Helps Promote . . .
Fibromyalgia Increase in well-being
Migraine headaches Reduction of pain
Acute post-trauma Structural realignment
Neck and back pain Balance, calmness and focus
Degenerative diseases
Lupus and arthritis
Bipolar and depression
Neurological disorders
Change in soft tissue dysfunction
The Healing Power of Sound
Throughout the ages sound and music, originally a highly developed science in the ancient mystery schools, have been used as vehicles for healing. This healing was based on concepts of life that recognized vibration as the fundamental creative force.
Sound and Light are the building blocks of the universe, the very framework upon which all of creation is hung. Every molecule of matter is intoning its tone. Every leaf, atom, particle, planet, galaxy, every cell in our body is humming its own tune. Even as we were being born, as our bodies were being formed a chord was being intoned, our own individual chord.
Music affects the physical body in profound ways. Sound waves enter into our physical body and move atoms around, rearranging our cellular structure and returning us to order and balance. Music - in its higher forms has the power to lower blood pressure, alter our breathing rate, reorganize and harmonize molecular structure, elevate mood, take us beyond the everyday world to the spiritual world, transform consciousness and ultimately liberate our Spirit.
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