Friday 16 March 2012

Do you have a Cell mast close to your home, Church or your children's schools. Orgonite can help relieve the effects of EMF radiation.coming from these towers.

Go to this link and read the report.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Saturday 26 November 2011


Orgon-ise Yourself

Reiki in the Workplace
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word representing Universal Life Force Energy, the energy which flows through all living things and is vital for our health and wellbeing. It also represents the Universal Life Force (Rei) brought about through personal energy (Ki) for the purpose of balance and healing as in the Usui System of Natural Healing.
What is stress and why do we need to tackle it?
The Health & Safety Executive defines stress as "the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demands placed upon them. There is a clear distinction between pressure, which can create a "buzz" and be a motivating factor, and stress, which can occur when this pressure becomes excessive.
About 1 in 5 people say that they find their work either very or extremely stressful.
Over half a million people report experiencing work-related stress at a level they believe has actually made them ill.
Each case of stress-related ill health leads to an average of 29 working days lost. A total of 13.4 million working days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in 2001.
Work-related stress costs society between £3.7billion and £3.8billion a year.
Under UK law, employers have a legal duty of care to ensure their employees are not harmed by work-related stress."
Stress is a major cause of disruption and weakening in the flow of the life force energy. Stress is often caused by conflicting thoughts and feelings such as worry, fear, doubt, anger, anxiety, etc. which get lodged or stuck in our subtle energy system. Medical research has shown that continual stress can block the body's natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself. In fact, the American Institute of Stress estimates that 75% - 95% of all visits to the doctor are the results of reaction to stress. The effects of unreleased stress can range from minor aches to major health concerns such as heart disease, digestive disorders, respiratory and skin problems.
How can Reiki Help?
 By creating a state of deep relaxation, Reiki aids the body in releasing stress and tension, thereby promoting healing and health. Reiki restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked meridians, chakras and nadis and clears the energy bodies, leaving one feeling totally relaxed and at peace.
Reiki is an extremely pleasant, holistic method of healing, powerful, yet wonderfully gentle and nurturing, addressing the well-being of an individual on all levels, bringing balance to mind, body and spirit. Reiki can be used without fear of any side-effects or overdose. Reiki is a support to the body and a complimentary therapy and therefore works in conjunction with and as an adjunct to other forms of treatment and therapy.
What is a Reiki Treatment?
A Reiki treatment is normally carried out with the client either lying down or sitting, in a comfortable and peaceful environment. Reiki is a light touch therapy; it is safe, non-intrusive and non-manipulative. There are no substances applied to the body, and the recipient remains fully clothed.
During a full Reiki treatment, the practitioner directs healing energy to several areas of the head, body, legs and feet. While focus is given to the body's major organs, every cell of the body will benefit. In addition to the formal hand positions, Reiki can be applied to any part of the body which has been injured. Length of treatment depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount of energy needed to revitalize and bring into balance the ailing area of the body. The client's body automatically draws in only as much Reiki as is needed, using it in whatever way is most appropriate at that time.
Reiki may be felt as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, and other sensations or not at all. It is deeply relaxing, eases stress and leaves one feeling calm and at peace.

Reiki in the Workplace
Reiki Practitioners can come to your place of work and treat your employees on site. All we require is that you provide us with a room providing a relatively quiet environment in which to work. It will be our aim to minimize disruption in the workplace.
If preferred, block bookings for Reiki treatments can be accepted for appointments in our own premises away from the work situation.
If you think Reiki would benefit you and your staff, please feel free to contact me for more information and details.

Love to All


Tuesday 4 October 2011

Wellness Cellphone Protector

Introducing the NEW Wellness Cellphone Protector (Slim Jim)

The Cellphone Protector has all the same benefits as the Wellness Pendant

Protecting you from all the Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF's) being transmitted from your phone.
Fits easily onto the back cover of most Mobile phones.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Introducing the Zero Gravity Recliner

To heighten your experience in the Sound Chamber we have now incorporated a Lafuma "Zero Gravity" recliner.
Take the weight of the world off your back
Lean back into the zero gravity® position, and your legs are elevated and you can actually feel the pressure and discomfort being taken away from your lower back.
You'll feel a sensation of weightlessness, which is wonderful for meditation or just relaxing and taking the pressure off your back!

Friday 5 August 2011


Orgonite Octahedron

Qualities of the Octahedron
The Octahedron is the third in the series of the five Platonic Solid shapes. It contains 8 faces, 6 vertices and 12 edges. This symmetrical solid is made up of eight triangles, which is formed from placing two square based pyramids base to base.
There are several crystals that will exhibit this natural occurring formation including Fluorite, Spinel, Magnetite, and Diamond to name a few.
Octahedron - Air Element

Metapyhsics of the Octahedron

The Octahedron represents the element of Air and is linked to the Heart Chakra, which is the center for love and compassion. This center includes the healing and nurturing aspects within, which allow that sacred, safe space in which to find acceptance and forgiveness.
The shape is also a mirror, a perfect reflection of itself, which is a lovely reminder of the mirrors/reflections that we are to each other. The Heart Chakra is also linked to touch, which is why I feel this Platonic Solid would be best utilized for healing, manifestation, and energy work.

Uses for the Octahedron

Due to the Octahedrons shape and nature, it would energetically work similar to a Double Terminated point. Energy will flow in equal portions from the two tips (top and bottom) with an additional, softer energy flow from each of the 8 side edges.
Hold the Octahedron when meditating to reflect upon situations and issues that need forgiveness and closure. Allow any feelings that may come up, acknowledging each one, understanding that it is a reflection to self in some way. When this session is completed, bring the Octahedron to your heart to begin the healing process. Visualize these feelings and emotions moving into the Octahedron and being held there. You can then either blow gently on one end to release these energies out into the Universe or cleanse the Octahedron by your preferred cleansing method.
Have a client hold a Octahedron in one hand (or both) in a healing session. This will allow the Heart to open and be cleansed of any and all energies that are not in line with the highest good of the client, in the gentlest of ways.
Keep it with you during the day. This will fill the entire auric field with awareness and compassion for self and others.
Try charging some pure water with the vibration of the Octahedron. Sit a glass pitcher of distilled water out in the sun and submerge the Octahedron into the water. Cover. Allow it to sit for 12 hours. (Or during a full moon, try 12 hours in the sun and 12 hours under the light of the full moon). Once your water is charged, you can fill a glass 1/3 of the way with your charged water and the other 2/3’s with distilled or pure water. As you drink, the vibration of the Octahedron will infuse into your body.

The self-reflecting shape of the Octahedron moves us from the more physical, grounding shape of the Cube and Tetrahedron (which sit firmly, grounding us to the physical) into a higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. Through working with the Octahedron, we attune to the more spiritual nature of self and in effect begin to understand our true nature.