
Orgonite Cell phone Protector

Orgonite Wellness Pendant

View from the Sound Chamber

Orgonite Octahedron


Special Pyramid !!! this piece has Seven ST Quartz Crystals and Four chunks of Rose Quartz

Chakra cone with Pyramid inside

This is a clear piece to show the crystal configuration, one large DT Crystal going through the middle with four smaller ones at the base.

Pet Tags and Buttons going to Cape Town for personal and animal healing

Large cone using Titanium, Alluminium, Clear Quartz and Rough Flourite chunks

Orgonite Pyramid with Titanium and lots of Amethyst

Large Cone with a large ST Quartz Crystal wrapped with a mobius Coil

Semi-transparent Black Small Pyramid with The same colour Sphere

Large Pyramid
Large and Small Pyramids

Buttons for your Pocket or to use as a Pendant
Orgonite Stone ; Moulded from a piece of slate found near by.
Small Tags : Ideal for Key Rings or Pet Jewellery

Large Pyramids with transparent points. This allows you to put a light under the pyramid for different effects.

Tower Busters (TB's)

Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber