Thursday, 23 June 2011

Shift in Energy

Orgonise Yourself
With the massive shifts happening all around us at this time, the energy we are all travelling in at this point in time is so strong, traditional healing is sometimes just not enough. In other words we need and require more to assist in taking the next step in our spiritual evolution. Sacred geometry has been with us since Plato and Aristotle. Besides the four elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, the Dodecahedron was given the Fifth element being Universal Energy, (Either). Reconnect with your original DNA and take the next step in your spiritual evolution by being inside and surrounded by this sacred of sacred Geometries the Dodecahedron. The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber.
As it is a stellated structure it is also connecting you with the other elements, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water and therefore the world’s energy grid and more to this you have the energy of Orgonite to boost the energy that surrounds you.

The next step in Mental, Spiritual and Physical healing.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Article from

Visible effect of orgone generator on garden

Part two, Summer 2005

 One year ago, we carry out a test to see objectively, if orgone generator had any effect on the vegetable kingdom. The results were very conclusive, we noted that the orgonized garden was at lest the doubled of the size and that all elements of it seemed considerably improved compared to the other identical garden.

For the full report of last year click here.
Now, this year we carried out the same test
The two gardens are identical, the same weight of seed was planted on each one at the same places in each garden. Throughout all experiment, the plants were left with themselves; no fertilizer or pesticide where added just as at any time the gardens was not sprinkled artificially.
The difference with last year, it is that only one variety of vegetables was plant in the two gardens; The marrows waltham Butternut.
Description of the plant;
These very vigorous plants produce from 4 to 7 fruits which have the shape of bottle. They weigh from 1,5 to 3 kg. The cylindrical part is completely full and there is a small seed cavity in the reinflated part. The skin is of color ochre with maturity. The flesh, of color yellow-orange, is very fine and of excellent savour to the hazel nut taste. The fruits are characterized by a very good capacity of conservation sometimes more than one year. Growth: 83-115 days. This variety of Butternut was introduced commercially in 1970 by Bob Young de Waltham into Massachusset.

Seed sachet that has been plant in the gardens.


24 June 2005

Overall picture

Orgonized Garden.

(Another difference with last year is that the orgonite was left on the ground. Last year the devise where buried. We see here 4 Tb and a hhg)

Normal garden

13 July 2005

Overall picture

Orgonized Garden.

Normal garden

3 August 2005

Overall picture

Orgonized Garden.

Normal garden

17 August 2005

Overall picture

Orgonized Garden

We were obliged to change place to take the pictures of the gardens individually due to the size of the orgonized garden.

Normal garden

27 August

Orgonized Garden

Normal garden

I counted 16 big marrows in the organized garden and 5 small marrows in the normal garden on August 27

Platonic Solids

The 5 Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or (Hexahedron), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns that occur throughout the world of minerals in countless variations. These are the only five regular polyhedra, that is, the only five solids made from the same equilateral, equiangular polygons. To the Greeks, these solids symbolized fire, earth, air, spirit (or ether) and water respectively.
The ancients believed that the experience of Sacred Geometry was essential to the education of the soul. They knew that these patterns and codes were symbolic of our own inner realm and the subtle structure of awareness. To them the sacred geometry had particular significance involving consciousness and the profound mystery of awareness. The ultimate sacred wonder. Sacred Geometry takes on another whole level of significance when grounded in the experience of self-awareness.

The Tetrahedron (Fire) The first of the platonic solids is the tetrahedron having 4 triangular sides and symbolizing the element of fire.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: the power of fire and the power present in the tetrahedron are beneficial for creating change but need to be handled with utmost care.

The Hexahedron (Earth) The second platonic solid is the cube or hexahedron having 6 square sides and representing the element of earth.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: a solid foundation and stability suggesting a need for patience and consistency, allowing things to develop in their own perfect time

The Octohedron (Air) The third of the platonic solids in the octahedron having 8 triangular sides and symbolizing the element of air.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: careful balance between multiple forces suggesting the need for diplomacy, grace and willingness to learn.

The Dodecahedron (Spirit or Universal Energy) Historically it has symbolized the concept of a fifth element, Ether (Aether) or Universe. It represents the perfect mediation of the infinite and the finite, the sphere and the cube, analogous to the circle and the square. It is reciprocal with the Icosahedron; whereas the Icosahedron has 20 faces and 12 vertices, the Dodecahedron has 12 faces and 20 vertices. Each shape can easily be transformed into the other by truncation or stellation.
The fourth platonic solid is the Dodecahedron symbol for the universes and having 12 pentagonal sides.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: a framework for the descending subtle energies of spirit. This suggests a time in which the divine forces must lead the way whether the understanding is there or not.

The Icosahedron (Water) The Icosahedron is the fifth and final platonic solid having 20 triangular sides and symbol for the element of water.
Suggested Divinatory Meaning: trust in the wisdom of the universe is needed with a willingness to allow others to assist in the situation versus pursuing an active role. As the water suggests, it time to go with the flow.


Thursday, 2 June 2011