Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber

Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber

A Virtual Experience

You will step into a quiet ‘sacred space’. You will get quite a surprise when seeing the ‘Chamber’ for the first time. It measures approximately 2.7m long 2.7m wide and 2.3m tall. The center meridian houses a bed or chair. There are speakers attached to the sacred geometric steel housing. Music is played from selection therapeutic compact disks. Expect to feel bathed in sound and totally supported. Enjoy an amazing journey of self-discovery and achieve a heightened state of relaxation and well-being. You are encouraged to bring an ‘Intention’ for your session and you are invited to accept this opportunity to let go of all that no longer serves you. Experiences of who you truly are, awaken your own inner wisdom and re-activate and reconnect with your original DNA! De-stress, learn how to achieve deeper and better sleep, expand and strengthen your mind through brainwave entrainment, and experience a state of relaxation you may never have experienced before now.

The structural design is based on the sacred geometry of electromagnetic fields and the interlocking of specific geometric forms. The interlocking geometric forms produce stars, triangles and a pentagon which are the building blocks for other three-dimensional forms. Electromagnetic fields of energy are created when the magnetic and electric fields combine in a counter-rotational movement.

The sacred geometric structure itself creates a field of energy--a harmonic resonance field, the way in which cells retain memory.
"On a grand scale, the structure of the chamber replicates the building blocks of creation."
--Inventor Tom Hunt
"When light (frequency) goes into shape, it is called biology. The shape of light is the history of geometry."
--Colleague Dan Winter
As the electromagnetic fields change, the spins at the cellular level are affected and the double helix DNA blueprint formation is set. DNA and RNA carry information to the cells.
When a cell loses integrity, it loses information and memory about how to function in the body. As cells divide, the new cells carry distorted information.
If trauma and stress occur, the natural vibratory spin at the cellular level is compromised. This may be the origin of many illnesses and is a causal factor in the aging process.
To restore unity, focus must be on the cellular level. Cells require a "roadmap"--to remember its purpose and function, so the body's natural healing ability is intact.
The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber, with its sacred geometric universal structure, helps the body's cellular physiology to remember its purpose.
What Does it Do?
Research suggests that the Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber provides a living field of energy. The energy is created by the geometric structure itself.
Electromagnetic energy forms two counter-rotational fields. One field is magnetic, the other electric. As the fields rotate, they oscillate. This affects the spin ratios at the sub-atomic level. As a field oscillates, it sets the pattern or blueprint for the formation of DNA.
Expert Quotes
"The human body is made up of electronic vibrations, with each atom and element of the body, each organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in, that particular organism."
Edgar Cayce,1928
"It is our duty to be perfectly healthy for the rest of mankind. We are all ripples in the vast ocean of consciousness and when we are sick, even with a minor illness, we disrupt cosmic harmony. To be healthy is a very altruistic goal."
Deepak Chopra, M.D. (Of Sound Mind & Body) 
We estimate a 40% increase to the body's natural healing processes by using the Interdimensional Sound Chamber. We use the Interdimensional Sound Chamber daily at the Upledger Institute
John E. Upledger, DO, OMM

The focus of health care is shifting to include the subtle energy principles and interventions involving the mind, body, environmental and spiritual dimensions.

Traditional Medicine suggests that diseases and conditions associated with aging are a result of organ and tissue damage
occurring over time.

Holistic Medicine suggests that both mental and emotional factors associated with biological processes must be considered in order to understand disease. Past events, negative comments, unresolved issues of fear, anger, guilt or compulsive attempts to restore balance by constantly rethinking events - are processed as stress- which affects cellular functioning.

Energy Medicine’s underlying theory states that the brain’s neural circuitry produces electric fields in the body. The EM (electromagnetic) fields, measured in hertz, carry energy through space and produce effects on other EM fields. High level EM fields are detrimental to the body and affect the integrity of cellular structure. A recent issue of Alternative Medicine outlines research completed by Rubin, Becker, Flower, Hazlewood, Liborr and Walleczek on the effects of low level electromagnetic (EM) fields.

They suggest low level EM is helpful in:

Bone repair

Nerve stimulation

Wound healing

Treatment of osteoarthritis 

Tissue regeneration

Immune system stimulation

Neuroendocrine modulation

The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber is a blending of science and metaphysics in vibrational technology. It provides a low level oscillating energy field which assists with the restoration of cellular integrity.
Cutting edge, scientific sound technology, combined with an understanding of the ancient use of sound to heal and expand consciousness, has brought us the ability to balance the autonomic nervous system in real time and to entrain brainwaves and states of consciousness for deep stress-reduction, emotional release, advanced healing, mega learning, peak performance, ecstatic states of consciousness, expanded meditation, and personal transformation.
The Orgonite Dodecahedron Sound Chamber  honors the body's natural geometric ability to heal itself at the cellular level. It sends specialized music or sound through the structure creating interference patterns.

Through vibrational technology, there is an extreme activation of tissue regeneration. The capacity for tissue regeneration extends to the central nervous system and the brain and to healing organs, muscles, and bones.

Intent is the primary value to sound therapy. In essence, the frequency (number of cycles per second the sound is vibrating) plus intent equals healing or a positive therapeutic effect.

Sound creates form. In sound therapy, specifically directed tone can change the molecular structure within tissues.

All vibrations--from subtle to obvious--have specific effects on us emotionally and physically. These effects are still largely unknown.

The word "sound" can be used to refer to "wholeness" or "vibration." When music or specialized sound in the form of brain wave patterns are played through the hollow structure, there is an additional benefit based on vibrational technology. Research on the physics of sound suggests that sound organizes form. Through interference patterns, it can cancel or enhance vibrational patterns naturally occurring in the body. Harmonic resonance is the way in which cells retain memory.

Assists In Releasing Such Energies As . . .                      Helps Promote . . .

Fibromyalgia                                                                        Increase in well-being
Migraine headaches                                                             Reduction of pain 
Acute post-trauma                                                              Structural realignment 
Neck and back pain                                                            Balance, calmness and focus 
Degenerative diseases
Lupus and arthritis
Bipolar and depression
Neurological disorders
Change in soft tissue dysfunction

 The Healing Power of Sound

Throughout the ages sound and music, originally a highly developed science in the ancient mystery schools, have been used as vehicles for healing. This healing was based on concepts of life that recognized vibration as the fundamental creative force.
Sound and Light are the building blocks of the universe, the very framework upon which all of creation is hung. Every molecule of matter is intoning its tone. Every leaf, atom, particle, planet, galaxy, every cell in our body is humming its own tune. Even as we were being born, as our bodies were being formed a chord was being intoned, our own individual chord.
Music affects the physical body in profound ways. Sound waves enter into our physical body and move atoms around, rearranging our cellular structure and returning us to order and balance. Music - in its higher forms has the power to lower blood pressure, alter our breathing rate, reorganize and harmonize molecular structure, elevate mood, take us beyond the everyday world to the spiritual world, transform consciousness and ultimately liberate our Spirit.


  1. good idea.
    only, is that aluminum pipe? that is a no no for orgone or phase conjugation. see Dan winters Pyraphi. he uses wood and gold and one stellated spike of icosa-dodeca.

  2. No its not Aluminium its steel. Works very well

  3. wonder how iron would work being that it is ferromagnetic?

  4. Like i said earlier it works very well. Everyone that has used it have received varying and different experiences.

  5. Like I said earlier it works very well. Everyone that has used it have given different and varying experiences.
